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Is Motorola going gangbusters?

Recent stats from Appdata shows that activations of Motoblur’s Facebook application is going through the roof:

Source: Appdata

If this is correct, it could indicate that nearly 3,5 million users have activated their Motoblur account in the last 3 weeks, which indicates Droid 2 is doing quite well. Android reported selling 200.000 devices per day, but that is on a world wide basis. Still, take 22 days x 200.000 and you get 4,4m devices, indicating that Motorola’s US sales stands for 80% of all Android sales should these stats be correct.

If you look at daily average users as a percentage of monthly average users you find that usage is not keeping up with activations:

Source: Appdata

This is natural though, as users likely go through a set-up procedure when activating the device, and most likely usage will increase over time.  Whether the stats or my assumptions are accurate, it looks like Motorola is back with a vengeance…

Posted in The Business of Mobile.

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  1. Rafiq Ahmed says

    Hey JT, this Rafiq from Demibooks….I worked on the first generation of MOTOBLUR products and user experiences when I was still at Mot. Interesting stats and analysis here and good to see the MAU up to 4.5M…I didn’t realize how flatlined that was until the recent spike. But it takes time and it seems the Motorola portfolio is starting to deliver.

    Something worth to point out – the activations are not triggered by a separate Facebook app but when you add social networks such as Facebook through Accounts setup. In fact MOTOBLUR makes it easy to interact with your social networks without using dedicated applications for each. A new feature in Droid 2 is that the user isn’t forced to sign up for a separate MOTOBLUR account even though the cloud service is being used to deliver social updates to Contacts and other socially connected applications. Adding the fb and other social networks still counts as a MotoBlur activation though.

    I’d be curious to see how the other Androd OEMs are doing relative to Motorola’s new surge….